The work of the Mile High Chiropractic Foundation is financed solely though contributions from the public and chiropractic communities - chiropractors, advocates and practice members. Your donation helps the Mile High Chiropractic Foundation to provide support to access to vitalistic subluxation adjustment focused chiropractic care in Colorado and beyond.

Thank you to all those who have supported us over the years

Together we are stronger

Zack Alme

Sharon Anable D.C.

Rob Anderson

Mark Armbruster

Andrew Baranshi

Ranae Beard

Joshua Beaudry

Black Shannon

Suzanne Blair-Rodgers

Alison Bremner

Tara Breske

Craig Burns

Jason Cahill

Darby Campbell

Jared Capeloto

Aaron Casselman

Billy Chow

Rob Clarke

Ben Claussen

Yandi Cotto Jorge

Jerod Dawson

P Paige D.C.

Darby Campbell

Leanne Deland

Dennis Grant

Keri Dennison

Clint Dickason

Brian Dooley

Laura Duke

Scott Evans

Nicolas Fanning

Brian Flemming

Richard Forte Jr.

RJ Gelinas

Norris Golberg

Irene Gold

Kevin Gower

Paula Grenier

Paul Grenier

Amy Gunderson-Lewis

Tyler Gunderson-Lewis

Leah Hahn

Scott Hahn

Jake Hansen

Stephanie Harris

Deed Harrison

Amy Hass

James Hauke

Julie Henderson

Lara Hill

Kevin Holman

Jacobe Holman

Rick Housewright

Janice Hughes

Abbey Ike

Robert Jackson

Mandy Jairell

Melissa Johnson

Colby Johnson

Aaron Johnson

Tammy Kaminski

Jessica Keppy

Joel Kinch

Rick Kirkpatrick

Jan Kirschner

Laura Klucharich

David Kolowski

Jason Kroese

Shane Kurth

Dan Lemberger

Scott Little

Jacob Long

Patrick Lovett

Darby Lyles

Mike Lynch

Dan Lyons

Michelle MacCarthy

Matthew Mancuso

Patrick Martens

Tara Mashburn

Darin Mazepa

Matthew McCoy

Chad Mcmahah

Aaron Miller

Darren Murphy

Trapper Niccum

Kevin Noffsinger

Erin O'Dwyer

Lara Osterhaus

Michael Peterson

Keshaun Portee

Paul Price


Richard Ramos

K. Pat Ray

Elise Rigney

Garrett Roop

Seth Ryan

Tristan Schaub

Tad Schexnailder

Joseph Schmitt

Andrea Schrock

Jeff Setter

Matt Sheehy

Morgan Sheridan

Ian Shtulman

Eric Shuemake

Joseph Singh

Patrick Smith

Jackie St Cyr

John Steffens

Todd Stein

Trey Stiles D.C.

Justin Stilson

Taylor Stoecklin

Petra Sullwold

Clayton Sullwold

Abraham Talledos

Hunter Thownsend

Laura Underhill

Frank Vaught

Alec Verkuilen Brogan

Michael Viscarelli

Jon Wall

Tiffany Wall

Daniel Wallis

Ryan Warhurst

Jason Watts

Brian Weeks

Ryan Weisgerber

Eddie Weller

Anita Weston

Marc Wind

Stephanie Young

Timothy Zittle

Jeffrey Parham

Jack Wolfson

David Bell

Tori Zeien

David Durham

Ryan Marchman

Cornell Cornish

Zac Cummins

Grant Ferguson

Elizabeth Kincaid

Robert Love

Laurie Meinholz

  • By making a donation you give permission to MHCF to list your name

as one of their proud donors, and to allow that to be shared publicly.

Contributions to the Mile High Chiropractic Foundation (MHCF), a state of Colorado non-profit organization (in application for tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code), may be tax-deductible as per IRS regulations. Please consult with your professional advisors on all legal, tax or financial issues related to deductible donations. Non-US residents please consult your national regulations concerning applicability of deductions. Please indicate pledge amounts in U.S. funds